
la terbach on flaws

my keyboard is s ffering from loss of a partic lar letter. i think a little compressed air will do the trick. ntil then, i am learning to live with imperfection. to make do. accepting my comp ter "as is"

ann la terbach gives me comfort: (thank goodness for copy and paste with a broken keyboard)

For a while I have been interested in the notion of a whole fragment. This fragment
is not

one in which one laments a lost whole, as in Stein, Eliot and Pound, but which
acknowledges the fact

of our unhandsome condition, where we suffer from having been being, and in that

acknowledgment foreground, or priviledge, what is: the abraided and indefinite

accumulation of an infinite dispersal of sums. In this construction, meaning abides

or arises exactly at the place where "use" appears, use here as both pragmatics

and as wear. It is my desire or intention to construct a poetics in which meaning is

within the terms of such a vagrant contingency.

The consolation of a distilled or stabilized "reality" is nothing if not an illusion of

syntax, where syntax stands for any logic of recognition. I share a love for this
construct of

a normalizing stability, but I recognize its habit of formulating, at the least impulse,

categorical imperatives which obscure and resist the actual conditions, posssibilties

complexities in which we find ourselves.

The world constellates significance out of habits of congruence, continuity, and

These signifiying terrains elude and evade my own sense of being on a flexible and
indeterminate boundary or frame, even ones which eschew frames and boundaries
to "celebrate" upwardly mobile margins.

I think world presses on language and language on world at every point, and by
world I mean material,

spiritual, political and cultural presence,

a continuous flux of is recouperated as is.

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