friday i dissected a rat:
i took some crappy video of it, and so i want to take some more of the rat this week.
thurs. i am getting together with joe to experiment with electric meat and pickles.
in other news i have begun again to write rhymes. i am thinking about making hip hop peformance art, and i feel REALLY silly. which makes me think i really have to do it. one idea is to make beats from the sounds that my body makes (like heart rhythms and breathing...)
another idea is to do a performance where i cover someone else's song... and peform it by writing the lyrics. have a video camera on my hand while i write, and project the image, and also mic the paper so that the sound of the writing incorporates with the beats of the music. i dunno.
also, maybe revisit the dolls by making one perform a song.
that's all i got for now. i promise to include findings of thursdays experiments.
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